IJIEEE- Publication

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All selected and registered papers will be published in any one of the following journals

Google Scholar Free Peer-reviewed International journals

International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)
ISSN(e)- 2349-204X ISSN(p)- 2347-6982 (www.ijieee.org.in)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Publons (Web of Science), IJIFACTOR, OAJI, DRJI, Techrepublic, ResearchBiB,

Publication Fee: FREE (with Conference registration)


International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC)
ISSN(e)- 2321-2950 ISSN(p)- 2320-2084 (http://iraj.in/journal/IJEEDC/)

Indexing: Google Scholar, Publons (Web of Science), IJIFACTOR, Root Indexing, BASE, ISI International, OAJI, DRJI, Techrepublic, ResearchBiB,

Publication Fee: FREE (with Conference registration)

Scopus and UGC Indexed Journal:

The conference associated with Highly rated Scopus and UGC Indexed Journals for the Publication with a nominal extra charge (Contact our coordinator)